Breaking it down:
Scrumikanbanagilisticxpleanidocious is a word I dreamed up, this is its story.
It sounds like: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
For those who (sadly) missed Disney's musical gem, here's a refresher:
Reporter: There probably aren't words to describe your emotions.
Mary Poppins: Now, now, now, now, gentlemen, please. On the contrary, there's a very good word. Am I right, Bert?
Bert: Tell 'em what it is.
agile/lean mashings
Looking forward to a mash-up of great people in the European Agile and Lean worlds, I had a think about what we were doing as an industry.
There is a lot going on, with different schools of thought coming together, clashing, dancing, growing.
We each choose a particular subset of them all to find a way to create great software.
"There probably aren't words to describe it all"
But, "On the contrary, there's a very good word. It's...
(even though the sound of it is something of a process).
And that's what we do: a weird & wonderful mash-up portmanteau of the bits that fit from what we find in the toolboxes of others.
And that's what we do: a weird & wonderful mash-up portmanteau of the bits that fit from what we find in the toolboxes of others.
I was so taken with it that I stood up in front of a room of people, many of whom I admired, but (mostly) hadn't met and said it as the first lightning talk. That was the start of a very #alesome conference.
Enjoy the word, use it for awesome.